How do I upload my music in Songblitz Store and PraiseHimMusic?

~ 0 min
2020-09-25 15:11

Once you have created an Artist account and you login you will have a selection of items to choose from.

To upload a track or album choose New Product

During the process of uploading your product you will need to pay a Listing Fee this is a small amount to cover transaction costs etc. This is payable by PayPal.

You will be required to Select Image, from your computer upload a cover you wish to use for your track/album

Add File if you are uploading a track then mp3 format can be uploaded if it's an album then upload the album as a zip file.

You will notice on the right of the menu FILE you need to upload a smaller version of your track here.

Things to note: If you are uploading an Album then you need to add all the tracks that are in the Album at the Add File section, and demo versions at the FILE section

Once you have completed the form and uploaded your files you must click SUBMIT

You can down load Free software to create demo files here.

Screenshot of what Artist Account looks like when logged in

My Account

Screenshot of page Adding A New Product

An example of what a finished page looks like for an Album

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